Do You Need Hormone Therapy?

Hormone decline happens to everyone eventually. No one escapes it. But there’s good news. Thanks to hormone replacement therapy, you can put back into your body what your body can no longer make on its own. Treatment just has to be done correctly, by a provider who has plenty of expertise in hormone restoration. The following quiz may help you decide if taking the next step is right for you.

Select Quiz*

Men's Hormone Quiz

Answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate response. A total score will be calculated for you as each response is given a numerical value. Scroll to continue...

Are you tired or lethargic?*
Are you less interested in life than you used to be, or are you just feeling “blah”?*
Are you irritable or moody?*
Are you forgetful or suffering from brain fog?*
Do you find it difficult to concentrate and focus?*
Do you feel less motivated or driven than you used to?*
Is your sex drive lower than it used to be?*
Are you having issues with erectile function?*
Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep at night, or are you sleeping restlessly?*
Are you gaining belly fat even though your diet and exercise habits haven’t changed?*
Are you having trouble building and maintaining lean muscle?*
Do you wake up hot and sweaty at night?*
Do you have sleep apnea?*
How true is this statement for you: “I just don’t feel like myself.”*

Women's Hormone Quiz

Answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate response. A total score will be calculated for you as each response is given a numerical value. Scroll to continue...

Are you having hot flashes or night sweats?*
Are you tired or lethargic?*
Are you depressed, less interested in life, or just feeling “blah”?*
Are you irritable or moody?*
Are you forgetful or suffering from brain fog?*
Is your sex drive lower than it used to be?*
Is sex painful?*
Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep at night, or are you sleeping restlessly?*
Are you gaining weight, even though your diet and exercise habits haven’t changed?*
Are you having trouble building and maintaining lean muscle?*
Is this statement true or false for you: “I just don’t feel like myself.”*
How is your bone health?*
Are you still cycling?*

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